Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pleasant Surprise

While at the Biltmore Estate last week, Steven and I were somewhat surprised when we were shuffled into a line to have our picture taken. I would expect to see these ambush photographers at theme parks or even someplace like an aquarium (where we had our picture taken in a similar fashion last year) but the Biltmore seemed a little upscale for that. We smiled, took the business card with our photo ID number on it, and forgot about the experience until about an hour ago. We tried to guess at how bad the picture would be, using half open eyes and gnarled lips to estimate our facial expressions, but it turned out to not be so bad. Now if only a digital picture didn't cost $35, maybe I wouldn't have had to steal this screen shot to share with you.

1 comment:

  1. This is probably my favorite picture of you guys. You should treat yourself to your image.
